
Kimi's G-Spotはアカデミックな「出逢わせ」系サイトです / Kimi’s G-Spot Is Not a Dating Site, but an Academically Dainty Site


 先週の511()Kimi's G-Spotのローンチパーティーの余韻に甘くひたった1週間でした。パーティーが、ハレーンチに流れなかったのはひとえに、参加者のみなさまのおかげです。

 53日に開催したLGBT読書会に続いて、今回も参加してくださった方がたが、 お仕事されるなかでの出逢い、関わりを、自然に話してくださったり。読書会の雰囲気がとてもよかったって喜んでくださったり。。。どこに住んでますか?お仕事何ですか?セクシュアルオリエンテーション何ですか? ・・・なんて興味本位のシツモンから始まらない出逢い。




Kimi's G-Spotは、みなさまにとって、ふわりとなれる場、ポロリンコと心情吐露できる場になれればなあと願っています。。集ったみなさまが、ああいい出逢いがあったなあと思っていただけるアカデミック風味を漂わせた出逢わせ系サイトを目指します!!!




Hello, at the start of a new week! I am always ready to treat to tea anyone who stops me on the street and calls out, “G-Spot,” but unfortunately, no one has taken me up on this offer yet….

The past week has been a time of sweet reminiscences of our website’s launch party on 11 May. The fact that the party did not end up being salacious and risqué is solely the feat of those who took part in the party.

As with the reading group on 3 May, the participants shared stories about the people with whom they interact through their work and in their lives. Those who had taken part in the reading group spoke about having enjoyed its relaxed atmosphere. It was a meeting of people that did not indulge in prying questions about where they lived, what kind of work they did, and what their sexual orientation was. People spoke of things that were dear to their hearts, and thus revealed who they truly were.

What I try to keep in mind are words from Kumai Kei’s 1974 film, Sandakan No. 8. The Tanaka Kinuyo character, a former karayuki prostitute, says to the Kurihara Komaki character, who hides the fact that she is a journalist, “I shall wait until you feel ready to speak.” I shall not pry and ask what others are not ready to share.

I am hoping that Kimi’s G-Spot will serve as a place where people might feel buoyant, where things they have had on their chests may pop out. I am hoping we can bring joy to people by bringing them together, not so much as an online “dating” site, but as an academically “dainty” site!

During the jeopardy game we played during the party, there was the question, “Who is the Constitutional Law professor Kimi has been inviting to a “uni”-sex hot spring, and who has continued to turn her down?” How could this be, especially as he is a “uni” professor in New York…?!

May you all have a week filled with love!


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