5月3日、東洋一の歓楽街歌舞伎町のお店、Like!SHINJUKUにて、19名の参加者とともに、Kenji Yoshino著『Covering』の読書会を開催いたしました!
Yoshinoの音楽のような美しい調べにも似た、美しい殿方へのerotic desireの描写に、参加者からもご自身の体験も絡めての発言があふれだし、本を通じての個人的体験を曝け出すなんて、これぞ悦楽の境地!参加者の皆様の情熱に「陥落」したのでございます。
素材となった『Covering』とは裏腹に、読書会は発言者の意見から、それぞれの個性をdiscoverすることがありました。そう、まるでここはDiscovery Channelのように。
書いてくださったアンケートにもあたたかい反応をいただき、7月最終土曜日に開催予定の第2回読書会や5月11日のKimi's G-Spotローンチパーティへのご参加希望を早くも頂戴しております。ご参加いただきました皆様、本当にありがとうございました!わたしのG-Spotからも、ぜひともよろしく!との悦びの喘ぎ声が届いております。
『Covering』をとおしてみなさま!また dis“Covering”を続けていきましょう!
On 3 May, nineteen people
gathered to read Kenji Yoshino’s Covering at Like!SHINJUKU in one of East Asia’s greatest
entertainment quarters, Kabukicho.
There were participants who came
as far as from Niigata; there were musicians, entrepreneurs, educators, students,
film directors. It was a very short two hours, as delightful as an afternoon
tryst for me. On commenting on Yoshino’s almost melodic description of the
erotic desire towards a beautiful young man that arose in him, the
participants spoke about their own experience. What bliss in discussing the
book through personal experiences! I surrendered myself to the eloquent passion
of the participants.
The speakers, far from Covering
their true selves, allowed others to discover who they were. The reading group
was like a kind of Discovery Channel of the self.
The participants divided into
three groups and summarized several passages up until the description of how
Yoshino decided to become a constitutional law professor. Each group showed
such cooperation and energy that it was hard to believe they were complete
strangers only a little while ago. The coordination between the groups in supplementing
one another’s summary was also admirable. It was fortunate that there were
members proficient in English, in each group. The participants cooperated with
one another in covering the figurative language that Yoshino uses.
We made use of the summarized
passages as topics for discussion. In connection to Yoshino’s choosing between
literature and law, we discussed whether or not the unchosen selves “bedeviled”
the chosen self; each participant seemed to reflect upon choices they had made or
were not permitted to make themselves. Reading groups can thrill when
participants do not stop at just unraveling the thoughts of the author, but
delve deep to discover the secret places in themselves. What joy in witnessing
the participants come together in sharing their truths. There were three G-Spot
members present at the reading group; the unobtrusive way in which they oversaw
the entire event and cooperated in making everything run smoothly made me want to
describe them as engaging in a voyeuristic threesome. 1109 read the English
passages in a deep voice, and sent shivers down my spine. Rebecca Akelo,
covering the erotic desire she usually exudes, was quick on her feet, made sure
no one wanted anything, and flexibly managed the time allocation for all we had
planned. And the sole non-Japanese, a gentleman from Brazil, calmly oversaw
everything with the charismatic presence of Pele.
I kept repeating in my mind in
the manner of the rakugo comedians, Katsura Sanshi and Nishikawa Kiyoshi,
“From the moment I lay eyes on you, love could blossom; Kimi’s G-Spot bringing
together, through the act of reading, a stranger and a stranger sharing their thoughts
of ‘lucky me!’” I was enjoying myself so much that I was unable to guide
the discussion satisfactorily. I could very well be reported to JARO for not
fulfilling the promise of offering an academic event, as we had advertised.
The participants very kindly left
warm words of encouragement on their questionnaires, and some of them have said
they will come along to the next reading group planned for the final Saturday
in July, as well as to the website’s launch party on 11 May. A great big thank
you for everyone who took part in the reading group. You have filled Kimi’s
G-Spot with incomparable joy. We would also like to thank the staff of
Like!SHINJUKU. It was so fortunate that we were able to hold the reading group
in such a comfortable space, and there has been a call to hold the next
gathering at the same venue. Fumino san, thank you for bringing us all together!
My wish is that this gathering will lead to other wonderful chances to get to
know people. Let us continue dis’covering’ through Covering!
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