一昨日、やさしい五月雨の中、われらがKimi's G-Spotのローンチパーティーを、14名のG-Spot開拓者、探検家たちと無事に終えることができました!ありがとうございました!感謝感激のスプリンクラーが止まず、喜びに濡れまくりでございます。今朝もまだ乾いていないわ。
われらが宴の終盤、紅白歌合戦にも出られたアーティストNさんがお店に!!!予期せぬサプライズとなりました!幸先よすぎるわれらがKimi's G-Spotの発射、愉快にイケたようです!!!
On 11 May, amid the gentle rain, Kimi’s
G-Spot held its launch party with fourteen stimulating persons attending. We
are immensely grateful to all of you who found the time to join us. I shed such
tears of joy that I still remain wet. Those present filled the two hours with
such interesting talk that I was unable to restrain myself from letting out
squeals of delight.
I shall report on the party in more detail
once I am a little more sated and calmed from the vibrating excitement in me. This
week I shall be reflecting upon the “oral” exchanges I was privy to at the
party, and acting as a tease until I am ready to divulge all.
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