
『わたしの夢――LGBTフレンドリーなカフェをひらく』 / I Have a Dream--to Start an LGBT-Friendly Cafe

Kimi's G-Spotを始めたことだけでも、生活に大きな快感を得ているというのに、、、。まだ、叶えたいことがありますの。




マンハッタンで、舞台Naked Boys Singingの場所がわからず、歩きまわっていました。心細いなか、レインボーフラッグがはためく雑貨屋さんを見つけ、もう、それだけで、ホッとして道を尋ねにお店に入った。。。 エルトン・ジョンのYour Songがラジオから流れ出したら、一緒になって歌いはじめた気さくな店主さん。Naked・・・って聞くだけでクスリと笑われたけど。

レインボーフラッグといえば。先日、Rebeccaと増原さんの東京ディズニーランドでの結婚式のお話をうかがいに青山の会場に向かっていたが、道に迷い、近くまで来ているようなのに、なかなかたどり着けなかった。すると、小さな小さなレインボーフラッグが店先に飾られているのを発見。すぐにお店に飛び込みました。講演会の会場をうかがう前に、「LGBTフレンドリーなお店ですか?」と 口をつく。。。そこから、素敵なオーナー氏と話が尽きなくなり、いっぺんで お店が好きになってしまった。。。
お店は「factory」。近々、打ち合わせの場所としておじゃますることになっています。 http://www.the-silver-factory.com/

オーナー氏は雑誌GQ最新号にパートナーさんとともに登場されてます!小さなレインボーフラッグのいわれもうかがい、おおいに愛をわけていただきました☆ http://gqjapan.jp/2013/05/14/how-a-family-is-made2/


Tokyo Rainbow Week2013の打ち上げで、松中権さんが、言霊ってあるんだよ!と言われてました。

     The launch of Kimi's G-Spot has been a source of great satisfaction in itself, but there is something further that I am hoping to do: starting an LGBT-Friendly cafe. A place where people can relax on their own as well as chat with friends. A place where people can kick back and gain something.

     I attended the first in a twelve session lecture titled, "Let's Set up a Community Cafe," yesterday. The proprietor of the Kingyo Tama Cafe in Machida was the lecturer. What became evident in the lecture was how his goal is not so much to run the cafe, but to contribute to the community by means of the cafe.

     I envision a cafe that will serve as a community center for people who visit Tokyo from around the world, a place where they can drop by to feel at home. And, of course, a place that welcomes people from all across Japan, too. I would put to use the years I spent studying English and French, and also enlist the help of friends proficient in different languages.

     When I was in Manhattan, I became lost trying to find the venue for the show, Naked Boys Singing. Being at a loss, I saw a shop with a fluttering rainbow flag. That set my heart at ease, and I entered to ask for directions. Elton John's "Your Song" was playing on the radio, and the congenial proprietor started singing along. The moment I mentioned the word naked, he chuckled.

     Speaking of rainbow flags, the other day when Rebecca Akelo and I were in Aoyama to hear Hiroko Masuhara speak of her wedding in the Tokyo Disneyland, I again found myself lost. We were close, but could not find our way to the venue. It was then that we saw a tiny rainbow flag outside a cafe. We lost no time rushing in, and even before asking for directions, blurted, "Is this cafe LGBT-friendly?" Thus started a long chat with the charming proprietor, and we fell in love with the cafe. The name of the cafe is factory, and I will be visiting again soon with to hold discussions with some other organizations about a new project. http://www.the-silver-factory.com/ The proprietor appears in the latest issue of GQ with his partner. http://gqjapan.jp/2013/05/14/how-a-family-is-made2/  He explained to us why he put up a small rainbow flag, and we shared in the love he had to offer.

     However small, a rainbow becomes the sign of a haven for some people. I would like to start a cafe that offers such a space to people who seek a place to belong. I believe cafes can be a kind of community center; they can offer not only good coffee but possibilities that arise from the combination of place, timing, and people.

     If anyone is interested in joining forces to begin such a cafe, please get in touch. During the after party for Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013, Gon Matsunaka spoke about the magical power of words. With hope that I will be able to summon enough magical power to carry out this dream, I state, "I will set up an LGBT-friendly cafe."




Kimi's G-Spotはアカデミックな「出逢わせ」系サイトです / Kimi’s G-Spot Is Not a Dating Site, but an Academically Dainty Site


 先週の511()Kimi's G-Spotのローンチパーティーの余韻に甘くひたった1週間でした。パーティーが、ハレーンチに流れなかったのはひとえに、参加者のみなさまのおかげです。

 53日に開催したLGBT読書会に続いて、今回も参加してくださった方がたが、 お仕事されるなかでの出逢い、関わりを、自然に話してくださったり。読書会の雰囲気がとてもよかったって喜んでくださったり。。。どこに住んでますか?お仕事何ですか?セクシュアルオリエンテーション何ですか? ・・・なんて興味本位のシツモンから始まらない出逢い。




Kimi's G-Spotは、みなさまにとって、ふわりとなれる場、ポロリンコと心情吐露できる場になれればなあと願っています。。集ったみなさまが、ああいい出逢いがあったなあと思っていただけるアカデミック風味を漂わせた出逢わせ系サイトを目指します!!!




Hello, at the start of a new week! I am always ready to treat to tea anyone who stops me on the street and calls out, “G-Spot,” but unfortunately, no one has taken me up on this offer yet….

The past week has been a time of sweet reminiscences of our website’s launch party on 11 May. The fact that the party did not end up being salacious and risqué is solely the feat of those who took part in the party.

As with the reading group on 3 May, the participants shared stories about the people with whom they interact through their work and in their lives. Those who had taken part in the reading group spoke about having enjoyed its relaxed atmosphere. It was a meeting of people that did not indulge in prying questions about where they lived, what kind of work they did, and what their sexual orientation was. People spoke of things that were dear to their hearts, and thus revealed who they truly were.

What I try to keep in mind are words from Kumai Kei’s 1974 film, Sandakan No. 8. The Tanaka Kinuyo character, a former karayuki prostitute, says to the Kurihara Komaki character, who hides the fact that she is a journalist, “I shall wait until you feel ready to speak.” I shall not pry and ask what others are not ready to share.

I am hoping that Kimi’s G-Spot will serve as a place where people might feel buoyant, where things they have had on their chests may pop out. I am hoping we can bring joy to people by bringing them together, not so much as an online “dating” site, but as an academically “dainty” site!

During the jeopardy game we played during the party, there was the question, “Who is the Constitutional Law professor Kimi has been inviting to a “uni”-sex hot spring, and who has continued to turn her down?” How could this be, especially as he is a “uni” professor in New York…?!

May you all have a week filled with love!



「Kimi's G-Spot's Explorers」感謝序章 / Prelude to a Beginning: Kimi’s G-Spot Launch Party

 一昨日、やさしい五月雨の中、われらがKimi's G-Spotのローンチパーティーを、14名のG-Spot開拓者、探検家たちと無事に終えることができました!ありがとうございました!感謝感激のスプリンクラーが止まず、喜びに濡れまくりでございます。今朝もまだ乾いていないわ。


 われらが宴の終盤、紅白歌合戦にも出られたアーティストNさんがお店に!!!予期せぬサプライズとなりました!幸先よすぎるわれらがKimi's G-Spotの発射、愉快にイケたようです!!!


     On 11 May, amid the gentle rain, Kimi’s G-Spot held its launch party with fourteen stimulating persons attending. We are immensely grateful to all of you who found the time to join us. I shed such tears of joy that I still remain wet. Those present filled the two hours with such interesting talk that I was unable to restrain myself from letting out squeals of delight.

     Towards the end of the party, N. A., a singer who has appeared on Kohaku, the New Year’s Eve music show, wandered into the venue. It was an unexpected surprise and an auspicious sign of good things to come.  
     I shall report on the party in more detail once I am a little more sated and calmed from the vibrating excitement in me. This week I shall be reflecting upon the “oral” exchanges I was privy to at the party, and acting as a tease until I am ready to divulge all.


パレードに雨を降らせないで―Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013 パーティとパレード / Don't Rain on My Parade--Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013 Party and Parade

  さてさて今回のコラムは、Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013の熱気が覚めないうちに、427日のオランダ大使館でのGood Aging Yells.3周年お祝いパーティーと 28日のパレード参加の報告をしておきたいと思います。(私たちKimi's G-Spotの第1回LGBT読書会も 3日に開催し、アカデミックなアプローチを試みました。おかげさまで活発な交流ができました。こちらについては前回の記事をご覧下さいませ。)

 夕暮れ迫る頃に始まったオランダ大使館でのパーティー。入口や庭園にはお祝いのお花のアレンジメントが飾られ、ゴージャス感溢れてました。夕闇の中にGood Aging Yells.ボーイズたちの白い半ズボンがくっきり浮かびあがって、クラクラ。


  オランダ大使のスピーチの中で印象的だったフレーズは、「セキュリティなしでは発展ない。人権なしには発展はない」と。また「誰にも愛する権利はある。それは異性愛でも、同性愛でも同じ」ですと、ヒューマンライツウォッチのボリスさんのスピーチ。 ああ、この普遍性!人が人を愛することに、異性愛/同性愛と隔てる必要はないのだと思います!

  同性婚を世界ではじめて認めたオランダ。その大使館で、日本のLGBTの長い活動運動の新しい潮目となるTokyo Rainbow Week2013のオープニングパーティーが開かれたのは ふさわしいことこの上ないことだと思います。








  Daiちゃんは、恥ずかしがりやさんのキャラはどこにいったのかしら?沿道のひとたちと、ハイタッチ三昧!! 笑顔、笑顔、笑顔で声援を送ってくれて。 楽しそうにしてると、その喜びが伝播していくってこと、身をもって感じました!
 "Hi, Harvey Milk! Can you see us?"って空に声かけてしまいました。来年は、Kimi's G-Spotでフロート出しましょう!シュプレヒトコールもない、拡声器で何かを言うわけでもない。デモと言わずパレード・・・。自分たちが自分たちの悦びから、歩いていく・・・。「2000人にとっては小さな歩みでも、日本のLGBTの歩みにとってはさらなる飛躍である」と、アームストロング船長の言葉を借りたい気分です。What a rainbow Tokyo!

I am still overwhelmed with the excitement of Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013, and so today’s column will focus on Good Aging Yells’ third anniversary party at the Dutch Embassy on 27 April, and the Parade on 28 April. (Kimi’s G-Spot also participated in the Rainbow Week by organizing a reading group on 3 May, and attempted to add an academic activity to the wide selection of events. For details about the reading group, please refer to the previous entry.)
The party at the Dutch embassy started just before sunset. Gorgeous flower arrangements welcomed the guests at the entrance and in the garden. The Good Aging Yells boys wore white shorts that stood out as dusk fell over the garden, and I could not tear my eyes away from their shapely legs.
Was I the only one intrepid enough to come unaccompanied? I felt a little unnerved and sent 1109 a text message, “Do you think I have to put on a show like Victoria Greyson from Revenge and break the ice with a hard, icy demeanor?” After hitting it off with a goddess, who came in the form of a reporter for a news journal, the G-Spot was on the roll and any attempt at putting up an icy demeanor melted in the excitement of celebrating the occasion with everyone I met.
One of the most memorable messages from the Dutch Ambassador’s speech was, “There is no progress without security. There is no progress without human rights.” Boris of the Human Rights Watch added, “Everyone has the right to love. It does not matter whether on is heterosexual or homosexual.” Love is universal and it makes no sense in differentiating between heterosexuality and homosexuality.
Holland, the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage—how auspicious it was to be able to hold the opening party for Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013, a watershed in the long history of LGBT activism in Japan.
I left the party with more name cards than I had ever received at any one time in my life. It was a very special occasion for meeting very special people.
The next event I took part in was the Parade. Dai, who is also from Saitama, and I arranged to march together. I first met Dai in March, when I happened to sit next to him at the reception for the Social Justice Fund workshop. This was the first time I was marching with someone else. Preceding the Parade, there was a short concert by Maki Nomiya, and a performance of the Okinawa Acer dance. I recognized the uplifting song; the lyrics which seemed to sing about people and places and things one loves, was perfect in getting everyone into the mood for the celebration that was to follow.
Our float did not have anyone in an outrageous outfit. I could not help but wonder where the group of people, who bear their butts might be. We started from Yoyogi Park, and slowly made our way through Shibuya and Omotesando, back to Yoyogi Park, as we chatted.
It has been reported that about 2000 people took part in the Parade, but there were many more cheering from the sidewalks. They cried out, “Happy Pride, yeah!” Dai completely forgot his shyness and kept exchanging high-fives with those he passed by. Smile after smile, they called out to all of us marching. It reminded us how joy is contagious. I could not help but call out towards the sky, “Harvey Milk, can you see us?” Next year, it would be fantastic if G-Spot could prepare a float.
No chanting cries, no megaphones, not a demonstration but a parade. People marching out of joy and pleasure. As Armstrong said, it may be a small step for the two thousand people who marched in the Parade, but it was a huge leap for the history of the LGBT movement in Japan. What a rainbow Tokyo!


Kimi's G-Spot Tokyo Rainbow Week2013連動企画 第1回LGBT読書会 報告 / Report on Kimi’s G-Spot’s First LGBT Reading Group during the Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013

  5月3日、東洋一の歓楽街歌舞伎町のお店、Like!SHINJUKUにて、19名の参加者とともに、Kenji Yoshino著『Covering』の読書会を開催いたしました!

 遠くは新潟から来てくださった方、音楽家、経営者、教育関係、学生、映画監督などなどバックグラウンドも多彩な方々と、あっという間の2時間をすごしました。・・・わたしにとっての、昼下がりの情事はこのことなのだわ・・・、Kenji Yoshinoの音楽のような美しい調べにも似た、美しい殿方へのerotic desireの描写に、参加者からもご自身の体験も絡めての発言があふれだし、本を通じての個人的体験を曝け出すなんて、これぞ悦楽の境地!参加者の皆様の情熱に「陥落」したのでございます。

 素材となった『Covering』とは裏腹に、読書会は発言者の意見から、それぞれの個性をdiscoverすることがありました。そう、まるでここはDiscovery Channelのように。



Rebeccaerotic desireを今回はcoverしつつの黒子に徹して。ブラジルの国宝、じぇらるどさんも、ペレばりのアシストで、英語を読んでくださいました。

 わたしは、19名の皆様が「ひとめあったその日から、恋の花咲くこともある、見知らぬキミと見知らぬキミに、読書を取り持つ、Kimi's G-Spot!」と桂三枝と西川きよしが脳内でMCしているありさまで、司会に徹しきれずエンジョイマイセルフ…。アカデミックなLGBT活動を標榜しておりますのに、JAROに通報されないか少々心配。

 書いてくださったアンケートにもあたたかい反応をいただき、7月最終土曜日に開催予定の第2回読書会や511日のKimi's G-Spotローンチパーティへのご参加希望を早くも頂戴しております。ご参加いただきました皆様、本当にありがとうございました!わたしのG-Spotからも、ぜひともよろしく!との悦びの喘ぎ声が届いております。


 『Covering』をとおしてみなさま!また     disCovering”を続けていきましょう!

On 3 May, nineteen people gathered to read Kenji Yoshino’s Covering at Like!SHINJUKU in one of East Asia’s greatest entertainment quarters, Kabukicho.

There were participants who came as far as from Niigata; there were musicians, entrepreneurs, educators, students, film directors. It was a very short two hours, as delightful as an afternoon tryst for me. On commenting on Yoshino’s almost melodic description of the erotic desire towards a beautiful young man that arose in him, the participants spoke about their own experience. What bliss in discussing the book through personal experiences! I surrendered myself to the eloquent passion of the participants.

The speakers, far from Covering their true selves, allowed others to discover who they were. The reading group was like a kind of Discovery Channel of the self.

The participants divided into three groups and summarized several passages up until the description of how Yoshino decided to become a constitutional law professor. Each group showed such cooperation and energy that it was hard to believe they were complete strangers only a little while ago. The coordination between the groups in supplementing one another’s summary was also admirable. It was fortunate that there were members proficient in English, in each group. The participants cooperated with one another in covering the figurative language that Yoshino uses.  

We made use of the summarized passages as topics for discussion. In connection to Yoshino’s choosing between literature and law, we discussed whether or not the unchosen selves “bedeviled” the chosen self; each participant seemed to reflect upon choices they had made or were not permitted to make themselves. Reading groups can thrill when participants do not stop at just unraveling the thoughts of the author, but delve deep to discover the secret places in themselves. What joy in witnessing the participants come together in sharing their truths. There were three G-Spot members present at the reading group; the unobtrusive way in which they oversaw the entire event and cooperated in making everything run smoothly made me want to describe them as engaging in a voyeuristic threesome. 1109 read the English passages in a deep voice, and sent shivers down my spine. Rebecca Akelo, covering the erotic desire she usually exudes, was quick on her feet, made sure no one wanted anything, and flexibly managed the time allocation for all we had planned. And the sole non-Japanese, a gentleman from Brazil, calmly oversaw everything with the charismatic presence of Pele.

I kept repeating in my mind in the manner of the rakugo comedians, Katsura Sanshi and Nishikawa Kiyoshi, “From the moment I lay eyes on you, love could blossom; Kimi’s G-Spot bringing together, through the act of reading, a stranger and a stranger sharing their thoughts of ‘lucky me!’” I was enjoying myself so much that I was unable to guide the discussion satisfactorily. I could very well be reported to JARO for not fulfilling the promise of offering an academic event, as we had advertised.

The participants very kindly left warm words of encouragement on their questionnaires, and some of them have said they will come along to the next reading group planned for the final Saturday in July, as well as to the website’s launch party on 11 May. A great big thank you for everyone who took part in the reading group. You have filled Kimi’s G-Spot with incomparable joy. We would also like to thank the staff of Like!SHINJUKU. It was so fortunate that we were able to hold the reading group in such a comfortable space, and there has been a call to hold the next gathering at the same venue. Fumino san, thank you for bringing us all together! My wish is that this gathering will lead to other wonderful chances to get to know people. Let us continue dis’covering’ through Covering!
