
ご案内 「第2回 LGBT読書会」へのお誘い / Notice: Join Us for Our Second "LGBT Reading Group" Meeting 20 July

2013年7月20日(土)開催 第2回LGBT読書会 「Coveringで自己のRe'Covering'を!」 

今回も、和訳されていない話題の本、ニューヨーク大学法科大学院のKenji Yoshino教授著Coveringを楽しく読み進めていきます。 学術的でありながら、美しい文章で書かれた自伝的な内容を、アイデンティティ、恋愛、理想の社会などと絡めて楽しく語りませんか。「日本には可愛い子には旅をさせろという諺がある」とはじまるこの著書は、自分探しの旅へと誘ってくれます。

参加者でワイワイ読み進めていきますので、英語ができなくても、学術的な話が苦手でも、大いに楽しめます。Kimi's G-Spot Chief Editorである菅野紀美が、Yoshino教授へ行ったインタヴューの話、前回は時間切れでできませんでしたので、今回、披露予定です。LGBT活動やアメリカの事情にご興味ある方にも満足いただけます。


場所gossip (青山)http://gossip-cafe.com/
参加希望者kimis.g.spot@gmail.com 、もしくはhttp://www.kimisgspot.com/#!contact/c6osからお申し込みください
LGBT Reading Group 2nd Meeting: “Re’Covering’ the Self through Covering” to Be Held on 20 July 2013

The first meeing of the LGBT Reading Group on 3 May was a huge success, and we are back by popular demand. Once again we will read and discuss NYU Law School Professor Kenji Yoshino's excitingCovering (2006). 
Interested in how Japanese people perceive relationships, civil rights issues and the life of sexual minorities? Want to make friends outside bars and clubs? If so, we invite you to join us. Yoshino begins his book with the Japanese proverb, "Send the beloved child on a journey." Participants of this reading group will embark a journey to learn about Japanese society and one's self.
The venue, this time, will be gossip, a fashionable gay culture cafe in Aoyama. Kimi's G-Spot Chief Editor Kimi Kanno will talk also talk about her interview of Kenji Yoshino. We plan to have a translator present so there is no need to be able to speak Japanese. Don't miss this chance to share your thoughts on relationships, society and civil rights!

Date and Time: 20 July (Sat) 20:00~22:00
Place: gossip (Aoyama)  http://gossip-cafe.com/
Fee (for use of the venue and one drink):¥1,500
Places Available25
For more details or to book a place for this event, please contact us at kimis.g.spot@gmail.com.



月・木更新が滞っており 申し訳ございません!!

この間、東京国際レズビアン&ゲイ映画祭とのコラボ企画『裸にされる眼差し―The Celluloid Closetとクィア映画を語る』にむけて、映画祭広報チームからの2名と打ち合わせ + 食事 + おしゃべり∞ を重ねてきました。

映画The Celluloid Closetは100本ほどの映画が断片的に紹介されています。

どのシーンを取り出して、どういう論点で参加者の皆さんと話し合っていくか・・・これは打ち合わせの中で 時間をかけて検討しているところです。





まさか、まさか、田亀源五郎先生たちと 同じページに載せていただけてるとは!!

7月7日13:00スタート『裸にされる眼差し―The Celluloid Closetとクィア映画を語る』イベントまで、あと2週間。

ご参加 心よりお待ちしております。

チームセルロイドとして ツイッターはじめました。http://twtr.jp/KimisCelluloid/status ご覧あれ☆





『噂の‘3’人』(The Children's Hour)にはならないはず。『ハッシュ』の逆バージョン、男性×女性×女性にも。

わいわい一緒に映画を鑑賞するのって、何十年ぶりかしら!? 楽しくて、『真夜中のパーティー』(The Boys in the Band)気分でした。『ベン・ハー』(Ben-Hur)のように 杯を酌み交わしたわ。中身はオレンジジュースだけども。。。

映画と その元となった本を行ったり来たり。おしゃべりも行ったり来たり。脱線したり、終電見逃し、気づけば外は白々と夜が明けており。。。

『摩天楼を夢みて』(Glengarry Glen Ross)たのは、正夢だったのでしょうか。すっかりラッシュアワーの過ぎた駅に向かいました。。。





「先生にできること〜LGBTの教え子たちと向き合うために」を鑑賞して / On Watching "What Teachers Can Do To Create an LGBT-Inclusive Classroom"












  『先生にできること~LGBTの教え子たちと向き合うために』は500円にて頒布されています。詳しくはLGBTに関する教員研修用DVD まで。


      June is Pride Month. If only I could fly to New York and join the pride parade!
      Professor Keiko Kanai at Waseda University's School of Education, and her students, with the cooporation of Re: bit, has produced a DVD titled " What Teachers Can Do To Create an LGBT-Inclusive Classroom." It explores the question, why examine LGBT issues in the classroom? The DVD explains this is important because they deal not only with sex and love but with the future, career, marriage, and retirement, all important factors in planning one's life and forming one's identity.
     There are episodes of how a teacher’s casual comment caused damage; how advice on the future left an emotional scar; how activities that divided students into groups of boys and girls intensified the sense of isolation. There are first-hand accounts of life at school.
     One teacher explains, “One should not assume LGBT students do not exist. Rather, they are not visible. A simple remark about how they will probably fall in love with someone from the opposite sex could trigger great anxiety in students. There needs to be research done on what kinds of comments could unsettle such students.”
The state school where I worked between 1989 and 1997 was far from sensitive towards sexual minority students. How I could I have said, there weren’t any, in my class. Did any of my comments cause the students pain? As I watched this DVD, I recalled my students from back then. There was a girl who adamantly refused to take a bath. If I had watched this DVD, I might have been able to speak to her differently. As I watched this, many thoughts crossed my mind.
     In the DVD, there was a suggestion about how it would be helpful to have even one book in the classroom library that would allow students to think their teacher is someone to whom they could talk. Just a small sign and a readiness, not to solve anything, but simply to listen, would make all the difference in the world. A teacher mentioned how, “every year there will probably be at least one or two sexual minority students, and so it is important to know about LGBT issues.” The DVD ends with the message, “A classroom that can respect the individuality of each student will be an ideal environment for learning, not only for sexual minorities, but for many students.”  
     Re: bit will travel to schools and conduct seminars. If this DVD can promote interest in such seminars and raise awareness among teachers, imagine how many children will be saved. School takes up such a large part of people’s lives. I cannot help but wish for schools to become a place where all children can learn without cares or concerns. The DVD is available for 500 yen. Check here for details on how to order a copy. 



Kimi's G-Spot、静閑知らず / Kimi's G-Spot: No Rest for the Wicked



 さて。5月31日(金)には、東京国際レズビアン&ゲイ映画祭から なんとなんとKimi's G-Spotにコラボのお話をちょうだいいたしまして、その打ち合わせを 青山のfactoryという素敵オーナー氏がいらっしゃるカフェでしてきました。


「裸にされる眼差し The Celluloid Closetとクィア映画を語る」というタイトル。


映画好き、英語の文章読んでみたいなという方、また、その場に集まったひとたちとの素敵な出逢いを求める方には、映画に、英語の本に、ひとに、「出逢わせ」系サイトKimi's G-Spotとしては自信をもって素晴らしい機会になると思っています!



     Last week, Kimi's G-Spot went through a dry spell. In fact, the only "action" I saw was all the "blowing" this mushroom-shaped  nose did. I have finally recovered, and so begins all the fun with my G-Spot again. I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you who sent thoughtful messages during my illness.

     The Tokyo International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival has approached us with a proposal for a joint event. On 31 May, I had a meeting with the TILGFF staff members at  Factory, a cafe in Aoyama owned by a charming young man.

    It was a kind of threesome, with an adorable bear-like fellow sandwiched between another girl and myself, on a soft sofa. We spoke for about two hours, an hour and a half of which was about completely unrelated things. The TILGFF staff members are all so talented. It is no wonder that the Film Festival has continued for over twenty years. 

     The collaborative event will take place during the Film Festival, on 7 July (Sun). It will be called "Gauging the Engaging Gaze: Exploring The Celluloid Closet and Queer Films." We will watch scenes from The Celluloid Closet, and discuss corresponding passages from Vito Russo's book. We should be able to post details of this event before too long.  

     May you all have a wonderful week!

