2013年5月3日(金)開催 第1回LGBT読書会 「Coveringをとおして新しい社会と自分をdis'Covering'しよう!」
LGBTのこと、アイデンティティーの問題に関心ある方。英語の本を読んでみたい方。友だちを作りたい方。一緒にNYU法科大学院のKenji Yoshino教授著Covering(2006)を読みませんか。
米国では話題をさらいながら、和訳されていないCoveringを読む、またとない機会です!当日は、LGBT情報発信サイトKimi’s G-Spot のChief Editorである菅野紀美が、Yoshino教授へのインタビューの話を交えつつ、進行していきます。
LGBT Reading Group: “Dis’Covering’ Possibilities for a New
Society and Self through Covering”
to Be Held on 3 May 2013
Are you interested in LGBT, civil rights,
or identity issues?Would you like to know how Japanese people view these issues?
Or would you simply like to make new friends?If so, we invite you to join us in
reading and discussing NYU Law School Professor Kenji Yoshino’s Covering
Kimi Kanno, Chief Editor of Kimi’s G-Spot,
an LGBT information website, will lead the discussion and also talk about her
interview with Professor Yoshino.
We plan to have a translator present so there
is no need to be able to speak Japanese. Don’t miss this chance to share your
thoughts on this brilliant, autobiographical, and beautifully written study about
our civil rights!
Date and Time: 3 May (Fri) 13:00~15:00
Place: Like! SHINJUKU http://like-shinjuku.com/
Fee (for use of the venue and one drink):¥1,500
Maximum Number of Participants:15 people
For more details or to book a place for
this event, please contact us at kimis.g.spot@gmail.com.
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