それが、さる4月14日、再び歌舞伎町に、今度は胸躍らせわくわくしながら、舞い戻ったのだ。それは、Like!SHINJUKUという店を訪れるために。Like!SHINJUKUは、今年4月27日から10日間にわたって開催されるTokyo Rainbow Week 2013 (以下TRW2013) 代表の杉山文野さんがオーナーをされていて、Rebecca Akeloとともにお会いすることが叶ったのである。
まずは知ってもらうこと。そのきっかけとしてのTokyo Rainbow Week 2013
TRW2013は、それまで個々別々に活動・開催してきたLGBT団体が、同時期に一つにまとまって、イベントを仕掛けていこうという初めての試みである。そのきっかけは、杉山さんがGood Aging Yells代表の松中さんと飲んでいた席で、従来の活動における仲間が、ひとつの傘にまとまって、より大きなインパクトを社会に出せないかというアイディアから生まれたものだという。「企業にも自治体にも、時代の趨勢としてLGBT活動の取り組みはしていかなくてはという認識が生まれていると、先日猪瀬東京都知事と話をした時も実感した」と杉山さん。TRW2013を通じて、これまで当事者が中心となってやってきた活動を、より外へ外へと広げ、非当事者にも知ってもらえるきっかけ作りに繋がるようにしようと決めたそうだ。今は、TRW2013開催に向けて松中さんたちとともに、各方面に挨拶に伺い、信頼関係を築くところから始めている。「今年は、種まきの年だと位置づけている。まずはみんなに知ってもらい、楽しいね!と思ってもらえるようなイベントにしていきたい。」との思いで、新宿2丁目振興会の方々のところへ行脚を重ねる。また準備の方では、見事に役割分担ができていて、最初のぼわっとした核となるイメージ作りは杉山さん、細かく詰めていくのはパートナーたちと、その人の個性を活かしながら進んでいるようだ。去年の12月にアイディアが浮かんでから、たった数か月で動き出し、ここまで形作ったことに、杉山さんたちの情熱をムンムン感じる。今年まいた種が、来年どのような大きな果実となって表れるのか、考えただけでも興奮するワタクシであった。
「もう隠さなくていい!」という開放された思いがあふれている杉山さんは、今後も会いたい人には出来る限り会っていきたいと意気込んでいる。そのどこまでも広がる可能性を思うと、私もこれから「入り口」をどんどん作っていかなくては、そして、いつかKimi’s G-Spot(活動)にまで繋がっていただいて、刺激を受けたいな~と思ってやまない。いくつもの「入り口」をもつ杉山さん。彼の人柄に魅了される人は、今後もどんどん増えていくことだろう。
Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013の詳細はこちら
Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013のKimi's G-Spot企画の詳細はこちら
Meeting Fumino Sugiyama, the Rising Star of
It was eight years ago, during my undergraduate sophomore year; with
great trepidation, I stepped into the red light district, Kabuchi-cho, for the
first time, to do field work for a sociology class. My task was to record the
names on the shop signs in this area. How my heart palpitated as I noted all those
signs that promised omnifarious forms of adult entertainment. Being prudish and
pure of heart, I never would have stepped into this place out of my own
On 14 April, once again I found myself in this red light district; this
time irrepressible excitement was pounding in my chest. I was on my way to
visit Like!SHINUKU, a café and bar run by Fumino Sugiyama, the leader of Tokyo
Rainbow Week 2013 (TRW2013/http://www.tokyorainbowweek.jp/)
that is to take place over a period of ten days from 27 April. Rebacca Akelo
and I had been given a chance to interview Sugiyama.
Sugiyama is also author of Double Happiness (Koudan-sha). In this book he writes about the journey he had to
take to bring into accordance his mind and body. He touches upon his
relationships with his family and friends, the role fencing has played in his
life, the origins of Kabuki-cho, and his erudition about the world; he
describes both movingly and humorously what he had to go through before
undergoing his operation. The book has been such a success that it continues to
be reprinted to this day.
Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013 as a Starting Point
to Raise Interest
TRW2013 is the first attempt ever to bring together the many LGBT organizations
that have been conducting their respective activities separately. It all began
during a chat Sugiyama had over drinks with Gon Matsunaka of Good Age Yells.
They spoke about the possibility of the many people engaged in LGBT activities joining
forces and thereby making an indelible impact on society. Sugiyama told us, “The
other day I was speaking to Inose, the governor of Tokyo. I felt that both
corporations and local governments are beginning to realize how the tide of the
times is demanding that they give serious thought to LGBT issues.” With
TRW2013, they are hoping that LGBT activities will gain the impetus to be no
longer exclusively for sexual minorities, and draw the attention of the wider
public. At the moment, Sugiyama and Matsunaga are trying to build relationships
with people and organizations in many different fields. “We are thinking of
this year as a period of sowing. We’re trying to get everyone to know what we
are doing, and to get them to think it’s exciting.” With this in mind, he has
been repeatedly visiting the local business association of Shinjuku 2-chome,
one of the most visible gay districts of Tokyo. Sugiyama and his partners combine
their respective strengths in that Sugiyama comes up with the general core
concept for their activities and the others draw up specific plans. The idea for
the TRW2013 materialized last December. The fact that it only took them a few
months to give it tangible shape is testimony to the tumescent passion they are
pouring into this. Just imagining what they will reap next year was enough to make
me pant in anticipation.
Opening Many Kinds of Doors for Many Kinds
of People to Learn about LGBTs
The name card Sugiyama gave me listed nine different projects in
which he is involved. He refers to these as nine “doors.” He has found people
he sat next to by chance in his café sharing similar ideas, and this has led to
the organizing of events as well as projects such as the Greenbird and the
Shibuya University Network. These different doors bring people together, and
lead to a kind of chemical reaction that can produce very potent results. In
order to promote understanding about LGBT issues, it is by no means enough to
sit waiting, twirling one’s thumbs. It is necessary to set up doors, and to be
flexible enough to get others to think about LGBT issues even as an ancillary
part of some other undertaking.
Sugiyama revels in finally being liberated and not having to hide
himself any longer. He plans to continue meeting with people that interest him.
I could not help but hope this tumescent passion and energy would someday find
its way to Kimi’s G-Spot, help me open doors, and create some kind of explosive
chemical reaction. Sugiyama, by opening all these doors, will no doubt continue
to draw people to him and mesmerize them.
For details about Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013 check here.
For details about Kimi's G-Spot special event for Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013 check here.
For details about Kimi's G-Spot special event for Tokyo Rainbow Week 2013 check here.
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